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Will scanning documents help my business?

Scanning documents with Pearl Scan's document scanning services in London and throughout the UK, can help your business.

If you’ve been researching document scanning and scanning services, the chances are you’ve come across lots of articles detailing how it can help to improve business processes. Therefore the answer to the above question is a resounding ‘yes.’ But understanding why and how it can be of benefit is another matter. In order to help you appreciate the role going paperless plays within a business, we’ve put together a list of the positive effects digital document management has.

How are document scanning solutions valuable for my business?

In a nutshell, document scanning solutions are valuable for your business because they streamline storage and the retrieval of files – all while making document management much simpler and altogether much more efficient. With this in mind, with an effective document management system, you will be able to:

  • Save time and money

    Digital documents provide easy access to all your files and documents – at the simple click of a button. This means that both you and your workforce won’t spend wasted hours searching through boxes and archives in an attempt to locate the files and folders you need. This time saved can then be used elsewhere in the business – perhaps being used to help it grow.

  • Improve your customer service

    With quality document scanning, you can digitise every single part of your backlog of files and index them accordingly. This means that should a customer request a specific piece of information at the drop of a hat, you will be able to find it instantly and make sure they are not left waiting.

  • Reduce the need for storage

    Digital files are just that; digital. Therefore they take up absolutely no physical room. So by converting all the hard copies of your documents to digital files, you’ll no longer need to invest in storage facilities.

  • Improve security of sensitive information

    Whether it be personnel files, HR documents or confidential business accounts, there are always files that you will not want to get into the wrong hands. Digitising these documents can help to protect them from preying eyes due to encryptions and passwords. You can also rest easy that they can be backed up remotely on highly secure servers.

  • It makes sharing and collaborating a breeze

    Another great benefit of digital files over paper ones is the ease of which documents can be shared and edited. Colleagues based throughout the business can access the same document and make amends as necessary – whenever they like. This cuts down on time wasted going back and forth and makes it easier for creativity to flow

The right document scanning and document management processes in place allow you to focus on the important parts of your business, such as growing it, knowing that your documents are safe and secure.

Have you made the switch – do you agree with the benefits listed above?

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Four Industries that can be Revolutionised with Scanning Documents

An image of a person searching through documents in a filing cabinet. The image relates to the blog article, as the article gives the user information on how scanning docuemnts to a digital file can save time in various departments in all types of organisations in London and all over the UK. Our document scanning services in London and the UK offer a cost effective solution to help organisations go paper free.

The term ‘digital transformation’ has been a buzz word skimming around the business world for many years and document scanning in London is at the heart of that. The single best way to bring a business bang up to date and increase efficiency from the ground up is scanning your paper documents to digital files. It can help almost every industry to automate and drive up productivity. Although document scanning is imperative for almost all industries, there are some where it is necessary to take a leap into the 21st century. Here are the top four industries that can be revolutionised with document scanning:

Scanning finance documents into digital platforms will streamline your financial department

Finance, by nature, is a paper-dense industry. But it doesn’t have to be. Thanks to the rise in computer systems and processes, the finance industry has taken a giant leap towards digital means over the last five years. But there is still a lot of work to be done in order to bring it up to date. Scanning services that include invoice scanning can overhaul finance departments by getting rid of bulky and unorganised filing cabinets, paving the way for digital stores of organised and correctly labelled files and folders.

Educational documents converted to a digital platform through document scanning services

The education sector relies on mountains of paper every single day in classrooms, offices and receptions, the education sector as a whole is, in general, behind the times when it comes to digitalisation. Although it has moved forward over the last few years, there is still a lot that can be done to improve processes. Using a professional scanning company in London to begin scanning and digitising student records and attendance is one of the first steps, while reducing the number of handouts by driving forward a technological culture in the classroom is another. This will not only help staff to deal with an increasing number of students, but also help to minimise teachers’ precious time being wasted.

Digital medical files mean editing and sharing instantly with other nurses, doctors, office staff, etc

The NHS’ drive to be paperless by 2020 has been at the forefront of the digital industry for many years. Yet all signs are pointing to it missing its target. However, the medical industry can benefit from a scanning service greatly by switching to a paperless system, cutting down on time wasted search for records, instantly sharing with other colleagues, the endless capabilities of updating and editing the digital documents, ensuring information is correct and minimising clutter.

Document management solutions for the documents used in human resources and other heavy paper departments

Human resources are another typically paper-heavy sector. Essentially the heart of a business, HR is there to ensure workers are happy, healthy and trained. And as a result, the sector demands a lot of paperwork for each employee. And even in a relatively small business, they can generate a lot of paper work. When choosing a scanning service to digitise your employee records, training and procedures, your files will never be misplaced, document and records are kept up to date with re-edits made on the digital file. Your Essential HR department can run even more efficiently.

To find out more information and discover the full range of our accredited scanning services that we offer in London and throughout the UK or contact us online.

  8385 Hits

Why business owners must invest in a digital mailroom

Why businesses should invest in a digital mailroom and the benefits.

For busy organisations, it can be extremely difficult to juggle the large amounts of incoming post – even when there is a dedicated team in place. But thanks to technology, they don’t have to struggle any more if they implement a digital mailroom.

Although the term ‘digital mailroom’ may sound scary, it is actually relatively simple. A digital mailroom is the automation of incoming mail processes. It uses document scanning and capture technology to digitise incoming mail in order to automate, and consequently streamline, the organisation and delivery of mail within a business. Not only can this cut down on time wasted, but can also help to cut down on the unnecessary costs of hiring and training extra staff.

So how can a digital mailroom help my business?

Digital mailrooms can improve efficiency

Employees will receive their mail digitally and fully indexed to their own individual email inbox every day. This allows them to view, edit, action or share it at the click of a button, allowing them to quickly get back to what they were doing to begin with.

Digital mailrooms offer increased space savings

As you won’t need to store large amounts of mail, you won't need a dedicated room for sorting through mail or somewhere to store filing cabinets full of the documents.

Digital mailrooms cut down on worries

A lot of things come through physical mail. Whether it be mass adverts and booklets or sensitive documents such as invoices and cheques, a digital mailroom means you don’t need to worry about it getting lost or falling into the wrong hands. All incoming mail will be sorted, scanned, indexed and sent directly to the correct inboxes without a second thought.

What about safety and security?

Did you know that digital documents can actually provide a more secure system? Storing paper copies of files leaves them open to loss, theft and damage, whereas storing them digitally instead can prevent this. File encryptions and password protections can keep documents safe so they cannot be accessed by anyone who doesn't have permission. Digital documents also come with the added bonus of being able to be backed up by cloud platforms which can prevent the loss or damage of all important data.

How much does a digital mailroom cost to implement?

This is a common question, but thankfully one that has a welcome answer. Thanks to digital mailrooms becoming more widely used, the costs of the services have decreased considerably. Helping to open them up to a wider range of companies, it means that even smaller businesses or companies on a tight budget, can still reap the digital mailroom rewards.

Do you want to give the digital mailroom a try? Get in touch with us today and find out how our sophisticated system can bring all of the above benefits you your business.

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Why choose Pearl Scan

Document scanning | Audits

We are backed up by external quality and security audits. Our operations have been audited and approved by many NHS, Local Authorities, Private blue chip companies and we pride ourselves on the high levels of quality and security we provide to each and every one of our clients.

Our data capture and document scanning services offered in London are accredited to industry standards.