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Why business owners must invest in a digital mailroom

Why businesses should invest in a digital mailroom and the benefits.

For busy organisations, it can be extremely difficult to juggle the large amounts of incoming post – even when there is a dedicated team in place. But thanks to technology, they don’t have to struggle any more if they implement a digital mailroom.

Although the term ‘digital mailroom’ may sound scary, it is actually relatively simple. A digital mailroom is the automation of incoming mail processes. It uses document scanning and capture technology to digitise incoming mail in order to automate, and consequently streamline, the organisation and delivery of mail within a business. Not only can this cut down on time wasted, but can also help to cut down on the unnecessary costs of hiring and training extra staff.

So how can a digital mailroom help my business?

Digital mailrooms can improve efficiency

Employees will receive their mail digitally and fully indexed to their own individual email inbox every day. This allows them to view, edit, action or share it at the click of a button, allowing them to quickly get back to what they were doing to begin with.

Digital mailrooms offer increased space savings

As you won’t need to store large amounts of mail, you won't need a dedicated room for sorting through mail or somewhere to store filing cabinets full of the documents.

Digital mailrooms cut down on worries

A lot of things come through physical mail. Whether it be mass adverts and booklets or sensitive documents such as invoices and cheques, a digital mailroom means you don’t need to worry about it getting lost or falling into the wrong hands. All incoming mail will be sorted, scanned, indexed and sent directly to the correct inboxes without a second thought.

What about safety and security?

Did you know that digital documents can actually provide a more secure system? Storing paper copies of files leaves them open to loss, theft and damage, whereas storing them digitally instead can prevent this. File encryptions and password protections can keep documents safe so they cannot be accessed by anyone who doesn't have permission. Digital documents also come with the added bonus of being able to be backed up by cloud platforms which can prevent the loss or damage of all important data.

How much does a digital mailroom cost to implement?

This is a common question, but thankfully one that has a welcome answer. Thanks to digital mailrooms becoming more widely used, the costs of the services have decreased considerably. Helping to open them up to a wider range of companies, it means that even smaller businesses or companies on a tight budget, can still reap the digital mailroom rewards.

Do you want to give the digital mailroom a try? Get in touch with us today and find out how our sophisticated system can bring all of the above benefits you your business.

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What Is a Digital Mailroom?

Digital Mailroom


The contemporary world of business relies largely on technology to streamline everyday internal operations. Digital mailrooms are at the forefront of this trend, with cutting edge technologies used to transform the traditional mail management into a fast and efficient process.

But what exactly are digital mailrooms and how can they help your business save both time and money? Read on as we define the concept, and explore the benefits a digital mailroom could have for your business.

The basics

As the name suggests, a digital mailroom is essentially an electronic version of your tangible postal correspondence. Using sophisticated document scanning and image capture technologies companies can digitalise incoming mail, automate the classification process and systematically deliver it to relevant recipients.

Modernising your business

Today, business growth and the rise of mobile workforces has led to the exponential growth of corporate mail. On average, a medium sized company processes around 100,000 pieces of mail a month, with documents distributed to over 200 different departments. Digital mailrooms bring an efficient electronic edge to managing the huge influx of mail that’s received on a daily basis.

Slash operational costs

Far too many businesses waste time and money on processing mail, filing documents and tracking down content. Digitalised mail rooms take the hassle out of post management by storing all content in electronic form. Staff can then use keywords to search for, locate and send digital mail, at their fingertips.

Backing up files

From unavoidable incidents such as file and theft to simple human errors that result in mail becoming lost or misplaced, traditional post handling services simply don’t offer businesses the total peace of mind that all documents will be 100% accessible on demand. As well as bringing a huge amount of convenience to the mail management process digital mailrooms also ensure that companies comply with legal obligations to retain certain documents. This includes legal obligations to archive documents such as accounting records, staff contracts and so on.

Save paper (and the environment!)

When all mail is digitalised it eliminates the need for staff to photocopy and reprint documents. Instead they can simply search the database to bring up the relevant document, then refer to it on a computer screen or email it to a recipient. This is guaranteed to save businesses money on paper spends, as well as boost eco-friendly credentials.

Think your business could benefit from a digital mailroom? Get in touch with the Pearl Scan team today to discuss the solutions on offer for businesses just like yours.

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Why choose Pearl Scan

Document scanning | Audits

We are backed up by external quality and security audits. Our operations have been audited and approved by many NHS, Local Authorities, Private blue chip companies and we pride ourselves on the high levels of quality and security we provide to each and every one of our clients.

Our data capture and document scanning services offered in London are accredited to industry standards.