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How Schools Can Streamline Processes

Education Sector Scanning

Schools are all about education, however this can be disrupted when things go wrong; whether with homework, worksheets or inner-school communication. Better school processes means a reduction in stress, improvement in grades and an overall greater productivity rate from staff and students alike. How could your school benefit from process streamlining? ...

Implement Technology

This can be expensive, especially for schools who are yet to embrace the technological age. However, this doesn’t have to be done all at once and it doesn’t mean that every child should be working off a tablet device straightaway. Technology allows the streamlining process to become easier, especially with the array of apps and software available for instantaneous download.

Consider Cloud Storage

Something as simple as a cloud storage solution can help develop the way things run in class and in a school as whole. With storage software such as Halogen, lost files can no longer be an excuse for holding up the teaching day. All files can be uploaded no matter the format and downloaded from cloud storage off any device, so teachers don’t have to worry about leaving a lesson plan at home.

Digitise Library Collections

While nothing beats the smell of a good book, many schools within the UK are battling against the rising number of school students. Library collections can be digitised so the space can be better utilized to make room for more classrooms. Files can still be accessed within seconds and weigh a lot less than carrying three or four books at once which is perfect for any little bookworm.

Transitioning a collection over to a digital format also allows schools to distribute more copies of a text to more students. No longer would students have to wait for a copy of a book to return. If a book becomes overdue then files can automatically remove themselves from a device. No more late fees and no more angry librarians tracking children down.

Do Away With Pigeon Holes

Sometimes the school environment can get so busy that teachers don’t get the chance to check their pigeon holes every day. This means that memos, letters and work can build up over a couple of days. Implementing streamlining solutions such as a digital mailroom enables messages to be directed to who they are intended for, without the need to sit around waiting to be read. Cutting out the middle system and improving in-school delivery systems will increase productivity, improve communication and decrease the chances of a message becoming lost in the post.

Wonder if your school can benefit from an operational streamline. Visit our website or phone us on 0845 225 5923 for a no obligation, friendly conversation.

How do you think schools can streamline their processes? Share your thoughts with us on social media. We want to hear from you!

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Facts about e-Books

It seems that e-books have appeared almost from nowhere. This blog looks at little known and significant facts about e-books – the digital book revolution - that every avid reader should be aware of.

The first e-book was patented in 1949 by a Spanish teacher, Angela Ruiz who wanted to decrease the number of books her students had to carry to school. In recent years, e-books have boomed, especially with the introduction of products such as the Amazon Kindle which allows users to instantly download a book and begin reading in seconds. Find out some little known facts about the e-book revolution that you have probably never heard.

Environmentally friendly

E-books are good for the environment. One tree can normally produce 50 books. This would mean that e-book readers would only have to read 50 books to save a tree. Instead of buying 50 paperbacks or hardbacks and let them gather dust on your bookshelf, why not invest in a Kindle and stop trees from being used for paper?

Electronic publishing saves paper. For example, one weekly issue of the New York Times consumes 75,000 trees. One year’s worth of Sunday papers produced by the New York Times destroys and consumes more than 3,900,000 trees. It’s much more environmentally friendly to subscribe online.

Big Books Sell

According to PEW Research, 75% of people between 16-29 have read a printed book in the last year, with the younger generation preferring digital products – with the exception of e-books. Mark Coker, Founder of Smashwords found that e-books that have over 100,000 words sell significantly more than e- books that have under 50,000 words.

E-books Make More Money for Publishers

When it comes to profit margins, e-books generate a higher profit margin than hardback books. A hardback has a profit of 41% for publishers, making roughly $5.50 for each book sold. E-books can make publishers nearly $8 per sale, creating a 75% profit margin. That is an increase of 34%! Publishers can even make money from books released decades ago, by converting a new edition and launching it digitally.

Long Odds on Becoming a Bestseller

Only a tiny proportion of the market is making serious money from their efforts. Hugh Howey’s Author Earning report found that 100 authors made $100,000 or more from publishing e-books. With roughly 390,000 e-books being sold in the U.S. alone according to Bowker research, the chances of making $100,000 or more from an e-book are very slim.

Do you read E-books? What do you like about them? Share your thoughts with us on social media!

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The Environmental Impact of Paper and Ink

 going paperless

Paper and ink documents require a huge amount of resources and energy, as opposed to their digitalised counterparts which can be created, stored and accessed with zero paper or chemicals. Even though ink printers are common, they are worse for the environment than many realise. Read more and discover the true environmental cost of paper and ink printing.


When it comes to inks, especially litho inks, there are some main areas of concern - the first is heavy metals. Certain pigments contain copper, zinc and barium which can be hazardous to the environment and workers’ health. In general metallic and fluorescent inks can be toxic. Metallic inks do not decompose easily and the heavy metal elements cause problems by seeping into groundwater and other natural areas. Petroleum based inks emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as they dry. Dangerous to humans and a contributor to global warming, this comes from web based printing such as heatset.

Soya can typically be found in oil, sheet-fed inks. Normally made up of two parts linseed, one part Soya, such inks reduce worker and environmental hazards due to being vegetable oil based. However, the expansion of the Soya industry is something that is controversial in itself. Waste ink can be recycled and made into low grade fuel, or mixed to form black ink and reused. However ink is toxic, so much so it is usually put in concrete in special hazardous waste landfill sites.



Everywhere we go, there is paper. From newspapers to magazines, billboards and posters – it is unavoidable. However, paper has more of an impact upon the environment than many would believe.

Over 30 million acres of forest is destroyed annually with 40% of the world’s commercially cut timber used for paper production. Pulpwood plantations and mills also endanger and destroy natural habitats of species that live in these forests.

The entire lifecycle of paper is environmentally damaging. Starting with a tree being cut down and ending in being burnt, which emits carbon dioxide. When it decomposes in a landfill it also emits the greenhouse gas methane.


Switching to a paperless office, by digitalising all physical paper documents, businesses can save money and contribute to a healthier environment. With 10 million tonnes of paper used per year, digital operations not only drastically reduce this figure, it also allows for increased productivity and a boost in staff morale – with less time spent on menial tasks such as searching for documents.

Switching to digital operations can help companies struggling for office space. Paperless offices also make it easier to increase operations, with online document services allowing quick and easy access to scanned items.

Did you know how much paper and ink can affect the environment? Are you now considering joining the paperless revolution? Continue reading about paperless office solutions.

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Why choose Pearl Scan

Document scanning | Audits

We are backed up by external quality and security audits. Our operations have been audited and approved by many NHS, Local Authorities, Private blue chip companies and we pride ourselves on the high levels of quality and security we provide to each and every one of our clients.

Our data capture and document scanning services offered in London are accredited to industry standards.