The new EU Data Protection Regulation

EU Data Protection Regulation

There are big changes on the horizon regarding the way the EU approaches data regulation. To ensure that your business is on the ball, we’ve put together a complete guide covering everything you need to know about the new EU Data Protection Regulation laws set to go live.

EU data protection regulation – 101

Earlier this year the European Commission revealed a draft of its new set of laws that will replace the previous Data Protection Directive. They’ve renamed the decree the ‘European Data Protection Regulation.

The release of the new regulation is designed to streamline the current data protection laws that exists across the EU member states. By switching to a ‘regulation’ as opposed to a ‘directive’ all EU member states will need to comply, thus eliminating the need for national implementing legislation.

So what does the new European Data Protection Regulation mean for European businesses?

Read on for our overview of what to expect.

The right to be forgotten

One of the most noticeable changes will be the introduction of the right to be forgotten. This will allow people to request the deletion of personal data, with organisations obliged to comply.

Integrated data protection measures

While in the past privacy has been somewhat optional, the new regulations rule that businesses must incorporate data protection measures into products and services from the very beginning.

The right to portability

Another new right sees consumers entitled to portability. This refers to the easy transmission of personal information from one data controller to another.

Taking a stand against profiling

While subject to certain exceptions, the majority of consumers will be empowered with the right to remove themselves from corporate profiling.

Greater understanding

Under the new regulations EU citizens will have the right to request insight into how their data is being used.

How your business can prepare

With the new changes set to take effect any month now, it’s important for British businesses to have an in-depth understanding of how to comply with the updates. One of the most effective ways to boost compliance credentials is to invest in document scanning services that digitalise all data, as it rolls in. This will ensure that all documents are safely stored in an electronic database. Should an audit be initiated your business will be able to produce all key documents in a matter of minutes.

Ensuring Compliance in the Aerospace Industry

aerospace industry document management

With hundreds of tons worth of machinery taking to the skies and lives categorically on the line, compliance within the aerospace industry is not something to be taken lightly. If you operate in the aerospace sector, playing by the rules is critical. To help you augment your approach we’ve come up with some savvy ways to keep compliance under wraps.

An in-depth understanding of industry regulations

The aerospace sector is governed by its own industry specific regulations. The Aerospace Industries Association is an international body, with country specific organisations also keeping companies in check. Rules and regulations are dynamic and ever-changing which means it’s essential for companies to stay up-to-the-minute with all the latest compliance requirements.

Adequate training

Whether you operate in the private, public or commercial sectors, training up a team of competent and qualified staff will drastically improve the compliance credentials of your operations. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page, and has a thorough understanding of all rules and regulations.

Intelligent software solutions

Technology is now an integral part of contemporary business, and the aerospace industry isn’t exempt. Today, companies can utilise a glut of intelligent software solutions designed to streamline internal operations and boost efficiency. When used correctly, internal management software can play a key role in keeping aviation businesses compliant.

Assigning dedicated teams

Compliance should never be left to chance. For this reason aviation companies should always assign a dedicated compliance manager to oversee all areas relating to safety, maintenance, legalities, staff and other key areas. Larger companies may even want to consider drafting an entire team. This will eliminate the risk of any regulatory issues slipping through the net.

Electronic document management

The aviation sector is burdened with a huge amount of paperwork. Unfortunately, just one tiny mistake can spell disaster for companies, particularly if it’s relating to maintenance. When it comes to keeping papers in check electronic document management is a must utilise tool. From safety checks, maintenance documentation and legal papers, digitalising documents and sketches ensures that all content can be accessed easily and instantaneously.

How to Make Your Customer Survey a Success

survey scanning services

Surveys are an invaluable tool when it comes to gaining inside information on what your customers really want. However when it comes to maximising the effectiveness of your content a strategic approach is always worthwhile. If you want to ensure that every question you ask hits the mark, read on for our top tips on how to draft hard hitting customer surveys that generate meaningful data.

Comply with the KISS rule

As a general rule of thumb, the KISS principle should apply to all questions. The acronym stands for ‘Keep It Short, Stupid!’ and essentially rules that all questions should be asked in the shortest and simplest way possible, without losing their intent.

Pepper surveys with open ended questions

While ‘yes/no’, multiple choice and scale rating questions are the easiest to answer, surveys should also be peppered with open ended queries that give customers an opportunity to spill their thoughts on various different subjects. A good strategy to encourage customers to open up is to start with a simple scale rating question, then follow up with an open ended “why do you feel this way?”

Ask one question at a time

It can be tempting to squeeze multiple questions into one line but ultimately, this just confuses and frustrates respondents. Instead, stick to one at a time and elaborate in a separate or sub question if necessary.

Keep rating scales consistent

If you’re using rating scales make sure they remain consistent throughout the survey. This will create a streamlined experience and ensure that answers are accurate and free from confusion.

Offer customers a bonus for their participation

It can be extremely difficult to convince customers to take the time to fill out a survey. Entice them in by offering bonuses such as discounts, credits or giveaways. Even the smallest of incentives can generate impressive participation rates.

Make data processing easy with survey scanning tools

Once you’ve gathered your data the next step is to process it into meaningful information. This is often the most tedious and time consuming element of customer surveys. Make the process easy by utilising survey scanning data capture technology that sifts through results and processes them into useable data in a fraction of the time it would take a human to complete the same task.

Ready to make the most out of your customer surveys? Head to Pearl Scan today for quotes on professional survey scanning tools that will turn your results into expedient information that you can use to grow, expand and enhance your business.

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