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Is it Possible for the Government to go Completely Digital?

Back in December, it was announced that the Government are planning on making a big push to digitise public services. But can they do it?

It seems all of the political parties can see the potential savings in going digital with services with Labour calling on "the next government to focus on digital inclusion" and the Conservative's George Osborne announcing the latest digitisation plans.

Where Will The Digitisation Begin?

The report released towards the end of last year outlined plans to digitise all police evidence and witness statement collection to make it easier for lawyers in court to access the evidence for cases.

The idea of easy access seemed to be high on the agenda too with the Government wanting to make a big push for more public services to be accessed online and for "nine out of 10 of the online public" to use digital services by 2020.

How Will They Benefit From Going Digital?

By going digital with public services it is hoped that the Government can free up desperately needed funds first and foremost but the digitisation can also offer benefits to the public too. As I've mentioned, access to essential services will be easier online and time can be saved finding the information they need at the click of a button.

So, what do you think of these new plans? Will they work? Are you on board with going digital?

There are many ways you can go digital too. If you find yourself in the office struggling to find the information you need because it's filed away in poorly organised filing cabinets or if your company is being weighed down by extortionate document storage costs, you should consider document scanning and digital document management. Similarly to the way the Government will digitise the police service, document scanning will make your files and documents available quickly, cheaply and easily.

Why Should I Go Digital?Document scanning company

  • Going digital with your document management brings a wide range of advantages;
  • You can free up office space previously holding filing cabinets, boxes and folders of documents.
  • can abolish the cost of storing these documents in off-site storage.
  • Your documents will be more flexible with the ability to edit, view and share them as you please.
  • You can work with your documents anywhere at any time through shared networks and online cloud platforms.
  • Information can be found at the click of a button with fully indexed and OCR processed digital documents.
  • The costs of paper, printers and ink can be drastically cut down by sharing and editing documents digitally.

Pearl Scan Services

As is hoped with the new Government scheme, going digital can have hugely positive effects on companies and organisations throughout the UK. Here at Pearl Scan, we recognise the benefits that switching to digital document management can have which is why we offer a fully bespoke yet affordable range of scanning services to suit any company. Our services have helped companies from a range of industries including legal, healthcare and NHS, education and human resources.

For more information about the scanning services we offer including document scanning, invoice scanning, scan on demand and business card scanning, get in touch today. We can also provide you with a free, no obligation quote for your scanning project. 


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Document Scanning by Pearl Scan

The Scan-do Peopletm

For more information feel free to give us a call: 
Nationwide: 0845 22 55 923          London: 0207 183 1885
Manchester: 0161 832 7991         Birmingham: 0121 285 1900

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Why choose Pearl Scan

Document scanning | Audits

We are backed up by external quality and security audits. Our operations have been audited and approved by many NHS, Local Authorities, Private blue chip companies and we pride ourselves on the high levels of quality and security we provide to each and every one of our clients.

Our data capture and document scanning services offered in London are accredited to industry standards.