![Digital mailroom solution services offered in London and throughout the UK. Our scanning services are certified to ISO industry standards to make sure your data in protected.](/images/article-banners/digital-mailroom-service-london.jpg)
Digital Mailroom Services in London
![Discover a new type of mailroom, we provide digital mailroom services to organisation in London and throughout the UK.](/images/digital-mailroom-services-in-london-and-uk.png)
Discover a new type of mailroom
Traditional mail handling can be time consuming, costly and waste a vast amount of space. With a digital mailroom, mail can be redirected to the correct person’s email address instant access and storage. Organisations can also filter spam, instantly file invoices and other important documents and improve compliance by reducing lost paper mail.
What is a digital mailroom
A digital mailroom is the latest concept in digital document management and a step in the right direction towards a paperless office. It creates one entry point for all incoming business documents straight to the intended recipient.
Companies who implement a digital mailroom are forward thinking and taking progressive steps to processing their business data efficiently.
Your digital mailroom service provider
![Automating your mail through digital mailroom solutions can benefit your company in many ways including saving time and money.](/images/mailroom-automation-solutions-in-london.png)
A digital mailroom isn’t as difficult or as expensive to set up as most managers think. By outsourcing your post to a digital mailroom service provider such as Pearl Scan, you can enjoy the full benefits of working paperless without any hassle.
So how does a digital mailroom work
We collect your post from a local sorting office or you can set up a designated PO Box for us.
We then scan and index post daily and distribute it electronically through the workflow management system of your choice. All mail information is protected and encrypted so it is kept completely confidential. This service provides comprehensive mail tracking and reduces the time spent distributing mail throughout an organisation’s building – especially if your building has many floors.
![We offer free digital document management software to our clients in London and throughout the UK to help keep the newly digital files in order to enable efficient distribution.](/images/digital-mailroom-conversion-solutions-service-in-london.png)
We understand that although a virtual mailroom is more efficient, in some cases it is absolutely essential you receive important paper documents. Whether you need to sign a contract or see physical ID documents such as passports and birth certificates, we can forward these onto you in the traditional way.
For businesses receiving cheque payments, we also offer a cheque depositing service with a recorded spreadsheet of received and cashed cheques.
If your admin process is taking over your business, it’s time to go digital. Speak to us today about switching to a digital mailroom.
Get in touch
Get in touch with us today with your digital mailroom enquiries by phoning 0207 183 1885, emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or using our online Contact Us Form.